Do you follow Jesus without a second thought? Do you give your faith free and unquestioned rein to rule your life? Peter walked on water by faith, but he sank into the roiling sea out of doubt. I have allowed similar doubt to steal my victory on more than one occasion... have you experienced this in your walk with Jesus? These are the questions that face us all and the crux of my morning contemplation.

June is the Month that most weddings occur in the Northern Hemisphere, and since Ann and I just celebrated our anniversary I thought this would be a good time to talk about what is required to stay married. Will a marriage last, or is there a black cloud hanging over it? How do we approach conflicts between husband and wife? What happens when the world collapses on us?

Are we reluctant to ask something of God? Are we too embarrassed by our condition, or too ashamed of our sin, to reach out to Him for forgiveness and help? When should we bring our needs and our contrition before Him in prayer? Sometimes we do so at a certain time of day, or come to Him only when we feel overwhelmed, but we have been told specifically when we are to come… we are to come always, right now, and without ceasing, and in so doing we find that this is also how God forgives us.