This morning I am mulling over the fact that we should always put Jesus ahead of our own wants and interests. My mind wanders to those times when I became first and didn't allow Him to take the lead in my life... or worse. Jesus has been declared by God Himself to be above all, and yet we take it upon ourselves to subvert His rule and pursue our own interests as if we held a higher office. We don't do this so much in coup as we do in our own weakness and selfishness.

This morning I am dwelling on a single phrase in the King James translation of the Bible... it is written by Paul to the Galatians, and in Galatians 2:20 it reads like this..."by the faith of the son of God." This is opposed to some modern translations which interpret it as "by the faith in the Son of God." So the question boils down to one word and two very different translations... "In" or "Of", and the implications are great.

Do we know the sins we commit? Are there things we do, or thoughts we have, that are sinful without our acknowledging the fact, or even being present in what we have done? This morning I am considering my life and the very real possibility that there are indeed sins I am guilty of that I haven’t realized, or that I committed in absentia. To remove sin requires that we face it, ask forgiveness, and then, as Jesus said, "go, and sin no more." Are we harboring sins that we are unaware of in our lives today? Are we courageous enough to ask that they be shown to us?

In the time of Jesus, not all slaves were taken in war, or against their will; some sold themselves into slavery for one reason or another. I am not talking about indentured servitude here, but slaves for the rest of their lives. Have you sold yourself as a slave to something or somebody? Before you answer no, are you sure? Do you have an addiction or some sin you keep hidden?