All in God

Do you wait patiently for God’s provision and direction? Have you become practiced in allowing Him to do all things in your life, or does He teach you over and over again how to wait? Have you set your spiritual clock, and your expectations to divine time, the time of heaven? As the length of an earthly day is constantly changing, and our bodies acclimate to that change, we must also acclimate spiritually to the natural variation in the will of God... the day of heaven.

What is the state of your life right now? Are you proud of where you are in your faith at this very moment? When you address your actions of the past, even the last few hours, how do they make you feel right now? We hate the word “now” because it requires immediate action. We put off changing our lives, we neglect a marginal faith, we postpone a look at where and who we are. We say, tomorrow I will begin to __________. How do you complete this sentence within the bounds of your life? Jesus says NOW is the accepted time.

Do you wake up in the morning with a song of faith in your mind and a melody on your lips? Is it a lyric that only God could ever put together, and you know right away that it is the ballad of your life today? I like to listen to music alone in a quiet place with my earbuds in, and my eyes closed; it moves me. Prayer is meant to be like that... a quiet place, a still about you, the earbuds of prayer carrying Christ’s voice into your ears, and the lyrics of heaven softly ushering you before the throne. Is this how you pray?

Do you devote time and other things in your life to God? If you do, then are you giving these things to Him forever, or just until you need them again? Perhaps you don’t understand what devoting means when taken in this context. What I am referring to here are those things which you commit to God, or Jesus Christ. For many of us it probably begins with a morning time of prayer each day. Have you given Him 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? Have you truly dedicated it to Him, or just loaned it to Him? If you have made this a promise, Have you lived up to that commitment or just prayed when it was convenient?